I have a confession to make about putting together a dog first aid kit for my two pups. It’s something I always plan to do, but never complete. Every year, when I schedule our family summer vacation, I get my list of supplies together. Then, I never follow through. This year is different. I’m buying a pre-packaged first aid kit for Bailey and Olivia. I made the decision after hearing a scary statistic. According to MetLife Insurance, one pet in the USA receives emergency medical care every 2.5 seconds.
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Having a proper first aid kit will help me quickly respond to an emergency and give my dogs immediate care until we can get to a veterinarian.
I reviewed a lot of the ready-made kits on the market and discovered many are packed with the same supplies from my list. I’ll only need to add a few extra items to meet my dogs’ specific needs.
Note: Some of the links in this article are Amazon affiliate links where I earn from qualifying purchases. Read our policy.
The supplies your dog first aid kit should include

Ready-made kits are relatively inexpensive and come in a variety of sizes. Choose the one that best meets your dog’s needs and has as many of the items from the list below, as possible. That way you won’t have to buy a lot of extra supplies.
Remember, every pet owner’s kit will look different, depending on the needs of your dog, your location and the activities you’ll be doing.

Find The Right Dog Wheelchair For Your Pet
Your dog has a mobility problem, and you want to buy a wheelchair. But do you know what kind of cart will work best for your dog’s individual needs? After a decade of teaching pet owners how to make the right choice, I put the information into an eBook!
What every pre-packed first aid kit should have:
Additional supplies to have:
Special supplies for dogs with mobility problems
For paralyzed dogs in wheelchairs and those with other mobility concerns add to your kit these items:
My favorite dog first aid kits

Get the Essential Guide
The Essential Guide of Products for Handicapped Dogs e-book is a labor of love for me. I wrote it to answer your most pressing questions about where to find the best products for your wheelchair dog. You’ll find products you didn’t know existed and each will improve your dog’s quality of life. Print a copy and keep it by your side.
Adventure Dog Series Medical Kit
Key Features of Adventure Dog Series Medical Kit
Rubyloo Pet First Aid Kit
Key Features of Rubyloo Pet First Aid Kit
Perpetual Pet First Aid Kit
KEY FEATURES of Perpetual Pet First Aid Kit
ARCA Pet First Aid Kit
KEY FEATURES of Arca Pet First Aid Kit

My favorite harnesses for disabled dogs.
Rayco International Pet First Aid Kit
KEY FEATURES of Rayco International Pet First Aid Kit
GPUSFAK Pet First Aid Kit
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