Dog Wheelchair LIFE (formerly Lessons From A Paralyzed Dog) teaches people how to care for a paralyzed dog.
Learning that your pup won’t walk again is scary. Pet owners don’t know where to turn for information. It happened to me and my dog Sophie. That’s why I started this website. I want your path to becoming a caretaker to go smoothly.
I’m not a veterinarian. I’m a blogger and a pet mom who’s raised 9 dogs, 6 cats and lots of other critters. I am also a co-founder of the Heaven Can Wait Animal Society in Las Vegas, NV and an animal writer who has contributed to websites and magazines.
The information shared on this site is based on my personal experience and the research I do for each story.
Please do not use the content from this blog in place of professional veterinary care.(Articles from this site may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission.)
About Sophie
Sophie was the fastest runner at the dog park. Running was her greatest joy. In 2008, she started to show signs of weakness in her hind legs. Six months later she was fully paralyzed.
Her illness changed my family, but during the next five years she learned to enjoy life as a paralyzed dog and we did too.
-Sharon, Forever Sophie’s Mom